Wiser World Web: Collaborative Inquiry on Collective Intelligence

Vote Local to Freeze Global Warming

Vote Local to Freeze Global Warming
Please consider sponsoring a resolution like that below at your municipal legislative body. National, lobbied leaders ignore the voice of the people. But people can make their voices heard by promoting such a resolution. If lots of local resolutions are passed, pressure will mount for national action.

Call to Curb Climate Change

To protect current and future generations, we call on governmental institutions at all levels to stop climate change. Specifically, they should 1) take legislative and executive actions to reduce carbon emissions, and 2) support the passage of a strong, Global, legally-binding and universal agreement on climate at the UN Paris Conference in 2015. These are pivotal parts of humanity’s meeting its responsibility to care for the planet.
In a Pew poll in 39 countries, people saw climate change as the #1 threat to their country. But governments are doing little about it. This resolution can be a way for the public to make their demands heard. It can be offered for vote at municipal, state, national and international governmental bodies. The “Nuclear Freeze” resolutions that were passed around the globe in the 1980s helped to educate the public, voice its concern, and pressure leaders to take meaningful action. In a similar way, this resolution can overcome vested interests and lead to real action to curb the danger to our planet.

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