Wiser World Web: Collaborative Inquiry on Collective Intelligence

CI 2014

[vc_row][vc_column width=”1/1″][vc_column_text]Collective Intelligence 2014   June 10-12, 2014 @ MIT

Stata Center at MIT  photo by Solsken  on Fliker OCW  dhp-24-2Question mark at Stata Center by Rita L on Yelp






CI 2014 is a conference bringing together leading thinkers from a wide variety of disciplines – all working to understand and design  many kinds of collective intelligence (CI).

A wide variety of topics will be discussed including ones like collective decision making and problem-solving, crowdsourcing, animal collective behavior, organizational design, new technologies for making groups smarter, and participatory and deliberative democracy.

The program is organized by ground-breaking researchers in the field of CI, including chairs Thomas Malone of MIT, Jeffrey Nickerson of the Stevens Institute of Technology, Michael Kearns of the University of Pennsylvania, and Duncan Watts of Microsoft Research.

The invited speakers will include researchers from fields such as sociology, computer science, business administration, political science, public service, biology, mathematics, modeling, and communications.

Register no later than June 1, 2014, by clicking here.

You can


MIT and Crew photoshopped by ifferjenn

(WiserWorldWeb.org in no way represents CI 2014.  But we encourage you to think of attending.)

[Photos above,Left, Solsken on Flicker; Right, Rita L on Yelp. At bottom, photoshop by ifferjenn.]







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